There are sometimes when a show in Las Vegas has to be labeled more of an event than a concert. When that show mixes a little rap with rock, country, blues, and even throws in a little political speech and rally, then that show certainly fits the bill. We got all that and a little more when the one and only KID ROCK appeared live inside the Mandalay Bay Events Center on March 24th. A sell out crowd of 12,000 was announced for the show and there was not an empty seat as far as the eye could see.
As far as the show went, as stated before, KID ROCK provides a little something for everyone. He took us back to his old school days of rap rock with songs like “Bawitaba” and even showed a video package of highlights of his career from his early days as a young punk wanna-be rapper, all the way through his GQ days complete with country and western get-ups. His blues influence is evidenced in songs like “Cowboy” and there is of course the Lynyrd Skynyrd influenced “All Summer Long”. If you like it slowed down a bit, there is always “Only God Knows Why” and “Picture” for those who like KID’S softer side.

Whether you agree with KID ROCK’S political views or not, you have to admit that his beliefs have helped him maintain his relevance, with his highly charged right wing stance and obvious connections to the president. I am still not sure whether to believe it is true or just a publicity stunt, but KID ROCK stopped after the opening song to bring out a podium and make a rousing speech as to how he plans to run for the Michigan State Senate in the upcoming election. In what can only be termed a perfect lead in, KID ROCK ended by saying “if you think they are shocked by KID ROCK for Senate, wait until they get a load of KID ROCK for president and they realize you never met a mother fu**er quite like me.”
It is truly rare when you say one of the highlights of the show came when the show was all over, but considering this night had a little of everything included, I guess it should not be that big of a surprise. As the packed 12,000 attendees made there way out of the exits and back into the Mandalay Bay Casino, all 12,000 began to chant "USA, USA" until it could be heard throughout the entire casino. No matter how you feel about his political beliefs, this coming together as one was something that made you feel good.